specialized training for liquefied gas tankers






7 days




This course is arranged as per STCW 78 as amended, Chapter V and provides training for masters, officers, cargo engineers and any person with immediate responsibility for cargo operations, gasfreeing operations and care of cargo in transit. Those successfully completing the course should be able to take immediate responsibility for any cargo operation on gas carriers.


  • Introduction to gastankers and
    cargo operations
  • Chemistry & physics
  • Hazards
  • Rules and regulations
  • Ship design & different cargo containment systems
  • Cargo handling systems including
    regasification for new LNG carriers
  • Safety
  • Cargo handling operations
  • Ship/shore interface
  • Emergency operations

Entry standards

STCW 78 as amended certificate and seagoing experience appropriate to duties on Gas Tankers

For attending this course you need:

  • a valid Tanker Familiarization and official confirmation of the shipping company about at least 3 months of serving time on tankers within the last 5 years
  • or without Tanker Familiarization an official confirmation of the shipping company about at least 6 months of serving time on tankers within the last 5 years
  • a valid Medical Fitness certificate
  • a valid Basic Safety certificate as per Reg VI/1


MTC certificate and Dangerous Cargo Endorsement (Gas)


Classroom, Liquid cargo simulator

Teaching methods

Lectures, simulator exercises, discussions, assessment


IMO IMO Model Course 1.06., information from Sigtto, ICS, ABS, LR, USCG
STCW 78 as amended approved by german flag state (BSH)

BSH approved


Do you have any questions?

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Please note:

Due to technical problems, the MTC cannot currently be reached by phone or email.

We are working on solving this problem as soon as possible.

We ask for your understanding.

Your team of MTC