Persons, which are holder of the GOC/ROC and which like to refresh their skills of GMDSS-regulations and the use of GMDSS-equipment or to prepare for simplified examination for prolongation of certifitcate.
Repetition and improvement of all duties which affect GMDSS
Holder of valid GOC or ROC, holder of expired GOC/ROC
On successful completion of the course, the participant will receive a MTC certificate. After a successful exam the participant will also receive a BSH certificate.
GMDSS Simulator
Theory in classroom, practical exercises at GMDSS- Simulator
STCW 78 as amended
Monday – Thursday
07:00 – 16:00 hrs*
07:00 – 15:00 hrs*
*Central European Time
Marine Training Center Hamburg GmbH
Schnackenburgallee 149
22525 Hamburg, Germany
Due to technical problems, the MTC cannot currently be reached by phone or email.
We are working on solving this problem as soon as possible.
We ask for your understanding.
Your team of MTC