maritime projects

Whenever a new harbour, navigation channel or jetty is being planned or constructed, MTC is the right partner to conduct studies and evaluate the best design using the shiphandling simulator. The visual model of the area needed is generated as well as the ECDIS to provide the best environment for the test manoeuvres with different ships models under all desired weather conditions, tides and currents.

Area of Expertise

  • Port development projects
  • International funded projects
  • Pilotage
  • Maritime expert consulting
  • Cooperation with classification societies

Recent projects


Use of remote-controlled tugs for berthing and unberthing manoevres of large vessel (Einsatz Ferngesteuerter Schlepper bei An- und AblegeManövern großer Schiffe).
2017 - 2021

Qatar LNG Projekt

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LNG Stade

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Due to technical problems, the MTC cannot currently be reached by phone or email.

We are working on solving this problem as soon as possible.

We ask for your understanding.

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