© MTC Marine Training Center Hamburg GmbH
In the current situation due to the corona epidemic, efficient measures are required to contain the spread of the virus. Your safety is our top priority – therefore we at MTC are implementing the following hygiene measures:
At the entrance, canteen, and lavatory, disinfectant dispensers, and hygienic tissues were placed for you to use freely. Please disinfect your hands when entering the facility and canteen. In other respects, the hygiene recommendations of WHO apply, which are posted on the MTC notice board.
Facial masks are not required anymore. For those who want to wear a mask we will continue providing free masks at the entrance of MTC.
Monday – Thursday
07:00 – 16:00 hrs*
07:00 – 15:00 hrs*
*Central European Time
Marine Training Center Hamburg GmbH
Schnackenburgallee 149
22525 Hamburg, Germany
Due to technical problems, the MTC cannot currently be reached by phone or email.
We are working on solving this problem as soon as possible.
We ask for your understanding.
Your team of MTC