Shareholders of this Marine Training Center are the shipping companies Orion Bulkers and Marlow Navigation as crew manager. Further shareholders are MAN Energy Solutions SE as supplier of engines, the class society DNV, the Pilots Associations from River Elbe, Port of Hamburg and Kiel Canal, ma-co maritimes competenzcentrum e.V., HPS Hamburg Port Services GmbH and private investors.
“By integrating the pilots, the specialists of ma-co and GL-Academy we will guaranty quality and professional know-how on highest level”, says managing director Heinz Kuhlmann. Navigation courses as well as technical courses are provided. Together with MAN Energy Solutions SE, the worldwide leading supplier of marine engines MTC facilitates a comprehensive training workshop with all the components available to provide training courses for 2-stroke, 4-stroke engines as well as turbochargers and engine control systems.
The engine simulator includes a 1:1 engine control room of a 5000 TEU container vessel and the data bases for the operation of engines. The main engine is a two stroke MAN 7K98 MC.
The centre is located in Stellingen in the western area of Hamburg.This facility will also be available for public courses and events. This facility is also available for public courses and events.
„Training and education of ship’s crews are an important aspect in manning policy of the shipping companies” says Heinz Kuhlmann. The worldwide merchant fleet is increasing due to globalization and increasing world trade volume. Hamburg as one of the most interesting shipping locations in Europe is enjoying high growth rates. Meanwhile Germany is ranking no. 3 in worldwide fleet size with more than 3700 ships and 1000 ships on order for German shipowners. Due to this development it has become difficult to find qualified crews. “Since the nautical education takes 5 years to receive an officer’s license and another 5 years for a navigator to get the necessary experience to take over a vessel as a captain the problem cannot be solved immediately but simulator training can help to shorten this period”, says Kuhlmann. Pilots are also requesting simulator training to ensure a safe operation at all the conditions and taking the increasing size of vessels into consideration. After dredging the River Elbe and extending harbor facilities in the Port of Hamburg mega container carriers with a capacity of 13.500 TEU and a length of 400 m can be accepted for pilotage and berthing. 150 of these ships have been ordered from yards in Korea, of these more that 50% by German owners. Upon delivery of these mega liners from 2010 onwards, pilots, shipping companies, ports and terminal operators will have to ensure safe and efficient operation. “MTC prepares a mathematical model of this vessel and implements it into the shiphandling simulator. Ship’s crews and pilots can train sailing, manoeuvring and berthing before the first vessel is delivered by the shipyard”, says Heinz Kuhlmann. The shiphandling simulator is capable to simulate more than 60 different vessel types.
In addition to the shiphandling simulator MTC also installed an engine simulator, a simulator for GMDSS and a liquid cargo simulator for the education of oil and gas tanker crews. Furthermore “hands-on” training for operation and maintenance of ships engines and components are provided in a training workshop of MAN Energy Solutions SE. Fire fighting and rescue boat training courses of ma-co have been integrated into the MTC course portfolio. With a training capacity of 14.300 man-days MTC is one of the largest marine training centers in Europe.
Monday – Thursday
07:00 – 16:00 hrs*
07:00 – 15:00 hrs*
*Central European Time
Marine Training Center Hamburg GmbH
Schnackenburgallee 149
22525 Hamburg, Germany
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Your team of MTC