
Heinz Kuhlmann

Heinz Kuhlmann

Managing Director
Armin Cloodt

Armin Cloodt

Instructor for Management, Ship Handling, Navigation, ECDIS and Tanker Courses
Anja de Vries

Anja de Vries

Manager Administration

Andreas Hartmann

Manager Research Projects, Instructor for Management, Train the Trainer and Ship Handling Courses
Johannes Kluge

Johannes Kluge

Designer for Ship Models, Instructor ECDIS and Simulator Courses


Quality and Customer Relations Manager

Tel.: +49 (0)40 533 07 42-68

Thomas Lindner

Thomas Lindner

Designer for Ship Models, Instructor for Pilot Training, Ship Handling and POD Propulsion
Maraike Prüß

Maraike Prüß

Training Administrator
Melanié Rashwan

Mélanie Rashwan

Training Administrator
Receivable management

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Due to technical problems, the MTC cannot currently be reached by phone or email.

We are working on solving this problem as soon as possible.

We ask for your understanding.

Your team of MTC